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joanteno | all galleries >> My Favorites >> Best of 2008 > pbase Lessons in Sharing Moki Day 8 R1012359.jpg
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pbase Lessons in Sharing Moki Day 8 R1012359.jpg

Lessons in Sharing

Still some work needed..

(note problem with uploading on pbase, please click on original)

Ricoh Caplio GX-100
1/125s f/2.5 at 5.1mm iso80 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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joanteno16-Nov-2008 20:11
Johnny JAG13-Jun-2008 16:24
optimist11-Jun-2008 08:13
Congratulations on the puppy! I can't wait to see this new life unfold in your photos!
ewa toll09-Jun-2008 19:37
outstanding !
Pic Chick09-Jun-2008 16:21
MY pig. NO sharing. Typical lab - Ditch does exactly the same thing! Sweet shot!
Sheila09-Jun-2008 08:44
Has Java got used to the little one yet?
Yhey look good together.
Jackdad08-Jun-2008 19:04
LOL they're not yet the best of pals then?
Is it my eyes or does Moki look a slightly more browny-black than Java in this shot?
Karen Stuebing08-Jun-2008 19:04
It's an Alpha dog thing. :) They look so cute together. Moki looks like a minature Java. And I've lost count of the number of stuffed animals Java has gone through. Moki will get his turn. Great photo.