Røros by Aud Elise Sjøsæther
Tur til Hardanger med Maritim Modellklubb og Sjøfartsmuseets Venner by Staale Sannerud
Oslo Botanical Garden (Botanisk Hage) at Tøyen by Jan Erik Johnsen
Norway, November 2016: White-tailed Eagle by Jaap Vink
Onkel Tuka i Søndre Enningdalen Kapell 13. mai 2006 by Beyer
Saltstraumen Maelstrom by Jan Herbert
The Gokstad Ship by Staale Sannerud
Norway 2015 by Rev. Kelly Todd
skitrip Bergen-Byfjellene 09.01.2010 by Margaret
May 17th, Constitution Day, Trondheim, Norway by travelingmonkey
Rondane by Margaret
Hunting the Aurora Borealis by Chateau Sec