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pbase My name is Moki and I am King DSC_6352.jpg

My dogs and their middle names.

Everybody has their traditions towards naming of dogs. The name of Java was a birthday gift from my oldest niece. It is great name. Moki came to me while listening to a book while driving. Now their middle names are based on the characteristic of the dog.

Java middle name is "Angel." He truly was the perfect puppy and dog. Now, moki - the word that come to my mind is "king."
He is definitely the king of the house. If something is not going his way, he will let you know. Definitely a strong personality, but engaging and cute as a button. So his name is Moki and middle name will be King.

A surprise birthday party at hospice. I can't say enough thanks for wonderful cake, ice cream, and gifts. Thanks is definitely not enough, but for now. Thanks.

Moki sleeping in odd positions in the crate.

Yep, Moki already has been featured on a birthday cake! Not sure about this "50" stuff, but
will definitely find out next tuesday when I officially turn "50." The wonderful folks that I
work with at Home and Hospice Care of RI surprised me today with a party with wonderful
gifts for Moki and the crew!

Nikon D300
1/30s f/2.8 at 50.0mm iso800 hide exif
Full EXIF Info
Date/Time17-Jun-2008 05:18:20
ModelNIKON D300
Flash UsedNo
Focal Length50 mm
Exposure Time1/30 sec
ISO Equivalent800
Exposure Bias-0.33
White Balance
Metering Modematrix (5)
JPEG Quality
Exposure Programprogram (2)
Focus Distance

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 18-Jun-2008 12:06
Happy Birthday! This is a great shot! I had to smile when I read this as we have always given our cats middle names :) King and Angel and great names...
Alida Thorpe18-Jun-2008 11:03
Happy Birthday.
This pup is adorable!!
Bryan Murahashi18-Jun-2008 05:38
Cute puppy shot and Happy Birthday.
Al Varland18-Jun-2008 03:05
Moki's middle name should be Lucky... Happy Birthday Miss Joan, 50 wasn't bad, don't sweat it.
royalld18-Jun-2008 00:59
Happy Birthday, Joan.
snootydog18-Jun-2008 00:39
Happy Birthday you little youngster! Hope you and Angel adn King have a great evening celebration